First Reproduction Quilt

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Center Medallion of Patriots in Petticoats

I have been rolling right along with the Patriots quilt project.  The Center Medallion was another fun experience to finish up.  It is now hanging on the wall at the shop. I'm so happy with the great pattern directions and correct cutting measurements.  It sure makes the piecing delightfully easy.

I went on to cut and then make all 20 of the log cabin blocks. .While I was making the 20 log cabins I decided to stop after the second round & check the measurements.  It seemed like they were doing just fine since each new 'log' fit nicely, but it is still smart to stop & check.  I'm pretty excited to be ready this weekend to put the pretty pieced blocks together with the setting blocks.

 I remember there is one block that might be a little too big.  Otherwise they should all go together just fine.

I'm planning to start the cutting on the pieces for the ribbon border blocks on Tuesday.  I've never done a ribbon border but have always thought they looked great and wanted to try one.  This will be my reward for accomplishing the goal of setting that quilt top.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Loving the Patriots in Petticoats

The days are relentlessly marching along, getting closer and closer to the March quilt show.  I am quite pleased with the progress being made in the home sewing room on the Patriots blocks. I gave a good part of last Sunday and Monday to making blocks 13, 14, 15 and 16, as you can see.
July, blocks 13 & 14
August, blocks 15 & 16
I didn't have any problems at all, which means no un-sewing took place.  And they are the correct measurement so I can look forward to some easy row construction a little later.  YIKES!  Just now
see that I got some red points going the wrong direction on 16.  Does this happen to you?  I've been looking at the block for two days and did not catch that little booboo.  So I eat my words of just moments ago - there is going to be some un-sewing as soon as I finish this post!

After I was done sewing on Monday I got started cutting out the Center Medallion.  Much bigger pieces
than the 10-1/2 inch blocks since this one will finish to 24".

Now I'm off to rip, and will post the corrected block later.  sheesh...............

OK, back with the corrected number 16.
There it is as it hangs in the shop - no cropping or fixing up the image.  I'm just happy it is done right.

And now I will work on the center medallion tomorrow morning with a nice cup of coffee nearby.