First Reproduction Quilt

Thursday, January 27, 2011

One More Patriot Block done

Yep, just having fun doing this project!  I'm glad that my work is also my hobby!
So here is block 12, fun to do and looking good since it is the correct size - yay!

I was in the process of writing the previous post but it seemed to be harder for me to get to the computer than to the sewing machine!  I made block twelve above in just an hour and a half.  So there are just four more
pieced blocks to go!  Can hardly wait to get to the center medallion - rich red & royal purple.

Patriots in Petticoats, more blocks

After setting a goal to complete the quilt top by March 1, it seemed worthwhile to check how many days it was likely to take.  Then there is the reality of just how much sewing I can get done in each day.  Sometimes the shop has enough quiet time in the day that I can work on it, but I'm finding that mornings are best, at home.  Then there is the difficulty level of each block to consider.  Some of them were done in about 2 hours.  As I looked at the upcoming patterns I found that number 10 was going to be tricky.

PIP block 8 hanging in the shop
I settled down to do number 8 with hopes that it would just breeze along.  Everything went along fine, but it finished a little too big. Will I ever learn to check those quarter inch seam allowances as I go along?   I've moved on to the next one anyway.  I can re-visit number 8 when I've got past 10.

Block 9 was fun with the little pink stripe patches.  I started to plan out getting all the patches going in the same direction, but then decided to try something a little different.  I think it worked out just fine.  By now I'm very comfortable with the half-square-triangle patches so that I can cut them the given size.  I used to have to cut them a little larger, stitch, press open & square up to the right size.  Not doing that with these!!

PIP block 9 fun with stripes
As I work on this project I'm kind of surprised at the color play with the piecework.  Isn't it always amazing how colors affect the way patches and blocks look.  These blocks are somehow similar and different all at the same time.

The completed block happily met the measurement requirement.  So it was on to the next one.
 Block Ten - looking complicated with all the pieces.  It didn't seem to be particularly difficult, but there were so many pieces and seams.  Attention to seam allowances was going to be more important than ever.

I should  have stopped and measured a lot more often.  Overall I think it came out well, just a quarter of an inch too big.  So I'm pretty sure I was afraid of it being too small and used a scant quarter inch.  There was a directional thing going on with the pink stripes again, so I had fun with that when I was laying it out.
PIP block 10 laid out, checking stripes
PIP Block 10, finished Tuesday

Then  I did  Block 11, went together really well, it just looks tweaked in this photo.  I like the background fabric much more than I thought I would.  The shirtings are a nice touch.

PIP Block 11,  more pink stripes



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Patriots in Petticoats, two more blocks

I just finished two more blocks from the Patriots in Petticoats project.  Things seemed to be going along just fine with block Six.  I had pieced all the half-squares and flying geese, arranged them on my carry-around  design board and had sewn three rows together before I spotted the pieces that were in upside down. They were three of the flying geese units.  Drat!  After some un-sewing I got it right and finished it up.  The picture was taken this morning while the sun came streaming into the sewing room, which it does at this time of year for perhaps an hour or so. 

Once this one was pressed I decided to go ahead with the next one.  Block 7 looked easier and therefore  faster to make, so I got two done in one day.  My plan is to complete the quilt top to display at the quilt show coming up in Manteca, CA.  There are 9 more pieced sampler blocks before I start the setting blocks.  There's just nothing like a deadline to keep me motivated and sewing up a storm.
Today's goal is to cut out the pieces for the next two blocks.  The fabrics are so pretty!  They are a joy to work with in these interesting block patterns.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting the New Year off Right

The sewing room at home is still neat and tidy.  I have resolved to try harder to keep it that way, with just one project, in progress, out on the cutting, ironing and/or sewing machine table at a time.  I can always see a stack of things waiting to have their turn out on a table.  It's so much nicer to walk in and resume instead of having to pick up first, then get cutting or sewing again.  So I will see how long I can keep this neatness going.

The first thing I wanted to sew in 2011 was another block for the Patriots in Petticoats, so I got going on it while finishing my second cup of coffee yesterday.

Block 5 Patriots in Petticoats

About the time I was doing a little un-sewing on it, I saw a little bit of thread peeking out at me from under the feed-dogs of the machine.  Hmmmmm, what is that doing there?

Well that led to a general cleaning of the machine - the dust bunny under the extended table, the bits of lint around the bobbin case, under the needle plate and up above the needle-holding thingy.  And then I proceeded to actually oil the machine and changed the needle.  I recommend this as a great way to start the new year off.  I seem to procrastinate about this maintenance, but the machine is so much happier now.

Next project to get working on is the Log Cabin Home block of the month which is supposed to start this month.  What I really need is to make my 'bucket list' visible on the sidebar of this blog...........

Just Before Christmas

Just before Christmas I made the next two blocks for the Patriots in Petticoats 2011 quilt. I'm really enjoying these fabrics. The blocks are pretty interesting too - they look somewhat challenging but are turning out quite well.

I decorated the shop a little bit for Christmas too. This charming little feather tree is next to my desk. Nothing like a little bit of the past to enrich my modern life - love those historic reproductions, all kinds!
While we were all anticipating Christmas, it seems our dog/mascot just couldn't wait. One day while I was in the sewing room I heard a crunching of paper. Knowing that Andy is a prankster I grabbed my camera and headed for the living room. There he was, opening a present from under the tree! Of all the ones he could have chosen, he got the one with socks in it! How did he know? All in fun, no harm done, he has always loved tug of war with socks. I won this round....

My DH gave me two more books for my collection of the State Heritage Quilt Documentation projects - Mississippi and Washington State. So I'm up to 33 books on the subject. I'm really glad that Kentucky got this whole thing rolling - it's a wonderful tribute to the quilters of our past.